International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference

April 10-14, 2011
Albuquerque, NM • Albuquerque Marriott

The International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWMC) is dedicated to the presentation and exchange of technical and scientific information related to development and operation of systems and repositories for management and disposal of high-level radioactive wastes.

The purpose of this conference is to facilitate transfer of important information across national, programmatic, and disciplinary boundaries to optimize gains in understanding in an evolving arena. It provides an outstanding opportunity to present and exchange scientific and technical information related to all aspects of the back-end issues of nuclear fuel cycle that impact high-level radioactive waste management: storage, reprocessing, transportation, and disposal, with major emphases on integrated management of spent nuclear fuel and various aspects of geological disposal including repository siting, design, licensing, construction, and operation.

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Дата проведения: 09 апреля - 13 апреля 2011
Тип события: Конференция
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