19-я Международная конференция по ядерному инжинирингу пройдет в Макухари, Тиба, Японияс 16 по 19 мая 2011 года.
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Chinese Nuclear Society (CNS) are jointly organizing the 19th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-19) in 2011, a follow-up to the successful meetings held in Xi'an (2010), Brussels (2009), Orlando (2008), Nagoya (2007), Miami (2006), Beijing (2005), Washington D.C. (2004), Tokyo (2003), Washington D.C. (2002), Nice (2001), Baltimore (2000), Tokyo (1999), San Diego (1998), Nice (1997), New Orleans (1996), Kyoto (1995), San Francisco (1993), and Tokyo (1991).
ICONE is the premier technical conference on nuclear engineering with over than 500 expected papers. The success of ICONE is due to the contribution of numerous professionals from companies, government, academia and technical societies from around the globe.
ICONE is for nuclear professionals who want to stay technically current and on top of industry trends and developments. Through the ICONE student program, the conference also fosters the development of future nuclear professionals.
Technical Tracks
TRK-1 Plant Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Modifications, Life Cycle and Balance of Plant
TRK-2 Component Reliability and Materials Issues
TRK-3 Structural Integrity
TRK-4 Nuclear Technology Applications and Innovations
TRK-5 Advanced Reactors and Near Term Deployment
TRK-6 Safety and Security
TRK-7 Codes, Standards, Licensing and Regulatory Issues
TRK-8 Fuel Cycle, Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning
TRK-9 Thermal Hydraulics
TRK-10 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Coupled Codes
TRK-11 Instrumentation & Controls
TRK-12 Next Generation Systems
TRK-13 Fusion Engineering
TRK-14 Reactor Physics, Neutronics and Transport Theory
TRK-15 Nuclear Education, Human Resources and Public Acceptance
TRK-16 Student Paper Competition
TRK-17 Panel Sessions
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Add: Sumitomo-Shoji Kanda-Izumi-cho Bldg,12F
1-13, Kanda-Izumi-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, 101-0024, Japan
TEL: 81-3-6891-9600 FAX: 81-3-6891-9599
E-mail: icone19-gbm@or.knt.co.jp