International Conference on Radiation Shielding

This conference explores the scientific, technological and engineering issues associated with particle and ionizing radiation shielding in its broadest context, including nuclear energy systems, accelerator facilities, space and other radiation environments. It is one of the premier international radiation shielding events, regularly drawing hundreds of the world's top scientists and engineers.

Special Session: Accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and Its Influence
 Outline of the power plant accident
 Radiation and radioactivity monitoring in the surrounding environment
 Environmental assessment and recovery
 Dose evaluation to workers and the public
 Decommissioning and waste disposal
 Future nuclear and radiation safety improvement
Fission Reactor Facilities
Fusion Reactor Facilities
Fuel Cycle Facilities
Transportation and Storage Issues
Waste Management Facilities
Accelerator Facilities
Medical Facilities
Aircraft Dosimetry and Space Technology
Medical Applications
Industrial Applications
Shielding Experiments and Benchmarks
Source Term Measurement and Evaluation
Activation Measurement and Analysis
Standardization of Radiation Field and Measurement
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
Deterministic Methods and Applications
Empirical Methods and Applications
Visualization and User Interface
Nuclear Data
Advanced Phantoms
Shielding Materials
Radiation Detections and Measurements
Radiation Protections
Radiation Dosimetry
Environmental Assessment
International Collaboration


Развернуть Свернуть
Дата проведения: 01 сентября - 06 сентября 2012
Аудитория: Специалисты
Тип события: Конференция
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