The International Youth Nuclear Congress is organizing its 8th edition of the young nuclear specialist conference in 2014, in Burgos, Spain. The conference, hosted once every two years, is dedicated to young but also senior nuclear professionals, with the purpose of sharing knowledge and experience in a culturally diverse audience representing all six continents.
IYNC2014 will take place between July 6th and July 12th, in a vibrant historical city in Spain and will bring to the attention of participants subjects related to: Plant Operation and Maintenance, Design Modifications, Radiation Protection; New Reactors (Gen 3+ and SMRs); Reactor Physics and Materials (including Advanced Reactors, e.g. Gen 4); Nuclear Safety, PRA, Severe Accidents and Fukushima-related topics; Fuel Cycle frontend and non-proliferation; Decommissioning, Waste Management and Fuel Cycle back-end; Nuclear Fusion; Training, HR development, Organizational Factors; Nuclear Politics and Economics, Communication, Social Acceptance; Nuclear Medicine and Non-Electric Power Applications and YGN Best Practices, together with 12 interactive workshops.