V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute carries out researches in nuclearphysical, radiochemical, geochemical, and ecological fields, associatedwith the problems of nuclear power engineering, radioecology, andisotope production and represents one of Russian and world-wide leadersin these directions. The Institute actively participates in a lot offederal programs and international projects related to nuclear physics,radiochemistry, radioecology, and radio geochemistry.

Radium Institute's staff includes about 750 scientists, technical specialists, and attendants. Among them there are - 8 professors, 24 doctors and more than 130 candidates of sciences, 4 Merited Russian Federation Science Personalities, 8 Laureates of the State Award. Radium Institute issues All-Russian scientific journal "Radiochemistry" in Russian and English versions.

The main building of the Institute is situated in Saint-Petersburg at 2-nd Murinskiy Prospectlocated in northern part of the city. The first, i.e. "historical"building of the Institute, where the Institute's Memorial Museum iscurrently arranged, as well as the first in Europe cyclotronand a small part of research laboratories locates in the center ofSaint-Petersburg in Roentgen street. The structure of the Institutealso includes Scientific and Experimental Complex in the city of Gatchina in Leningrad Region, Experimental and Production Complex in Sosnovy Bor, research stations for radio ecological monitoring.

V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute has unique availableexperimental base allowing for realization of fundamental and appliedworks in many fields of nuclear science and engineering at up-to-datelevel. Thus, the resources of Scientific and Experimental Complex inthe city of Gatchina allows testing of radiochemical processes on thebasis of real high-level materials, closing by that a total cycle ofresearches, started from scientific concept to be developed intospecific technology.

Basic sites in Saint-Petersburg are provided with modernequipment allowing for search and applied working in the field ofnuclear physics, radiochemistry, analytical chemistry, radioecology,isotope production. Such equipment includes particle accelerators,neutron generators, installations for measuring of neutron-physicalconstants, stations to adjust methods of non-destructive control ofnuclear fuel burn-up, radionuclide fabricating installations.Laboratories of the Institute are provided with equipment forrealization of chemical, spectral, mass-spectrometric, X-rayfluorescent, and other methods for analyzing. 

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