The IAEA has promoted and fostered the exchange of scientific and technical information on research reactors for many years. An important mechanism for this exchange has been the organizational role the IAEA has undertaken in periodic meetings, seminars, symposia and conferences. In recent years, the IAEA has organized major international conferences every four years on topics of interest to the research reactor community. The last such meeting was the International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization in Sydney, Australia, in November 2007.
Significant issues still being faced by the research reactor community are primarily related to operation, utilization and safety, ageing, decommissioning and waste management. More recent challenges, such as initiatives for new RR facilities, securing isotope production, human resources and infrastructure capacity building, and sustainability of RR programmes, are receiving greater attention. In view of the continuing interest in these topics and in a wide range of additional issues, it is timely to convene another in the series of international conferences to discuss the issues, report progress and plans, exchange information and foster cooperation among the worldwide research reactor community.
The objective of this conference is to foster the exchange of information on current and new research reactors and to provide a forum for reactor users, operators, managers, regulators, designers and suppliers to share experience, exchange opinions and to discuss common challenges, options and strategies.
The conference will have a number of technical sessions dealing with specific topical areas. Sessions are expected to include papers from invited speakers as well as contributions by participants. While most papers will focus on one of the principal areas below, authors are encouraged to consider integration with the other areas, as appropriate.
The topical areas are grouped below under five major headings:
(1) Utilization and Applications of RRs:
• Issues for utilization and applications of RRs
o Materials research and fuel testing
o Neutron beam research and applications
o Production of medical and industrial isotopes
o Other applications
• Utilization programmes for critical and subcritical assemblies
• Accelerator driven systems (ADS)
• Education and training programmes
• Strategies for enhanced utilization through networking, coalitions and regional cooperation
(2) Operation and Maintenance:
• Operating experience and lessons learned
• Integrated management systems, including configuration management
• Ageing, maintenance and recent major repair/refurbishment projects
• Fuel management experience, related issues and lessons learned
o Fuel performance, corrosion issues
o Qualification of new fuels for RRs
o Fuel storage and transportation
• New core conversion programmes
(3) New RR Projects:
• Status reports on new RR projects in progress
• Strategy for new RR acquisitions including support of nuclear power programmes
• Infrastructure requirements for new RR projects
(4) Safety of RRs:
• Application of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of RRs and IAEA Safety Standards
• Safety management including:
o Developing and maintaining safety culture
o Application of graded approach
o Training and qualification of reactor operating personnel
o Design, safety and operational documentation
o Periodic safety reviews
o Safety of RRs in extended shutdown
o Safe operation of irradiation and experimental facilities
• Regulatory aspects and experience, including developing and maintaining regulatory capability
• Core safety calculation and measurements, including verification and validation of computer codes
• Synergy of safety and security related issues
(5) Spent Fuel Management, Waste and Decommissioning:
• Operational waste management and disposal
• Strategies for spent fuel disposition, including fuel return programmes
• Decommissioning strategies
• Ongoing and recently completed decommissioning projects