The Ukrainian government has approved a draft agreement covering itsplanned participation in the international uranium enrichment facilityat Angarsk in Eastern Siberia. Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko hasbeen authorized to sign the agreement, which would see Ukraineacquiring 10% of the enterprise. The International Enrichment Centre isan initiative led by Russia in collaboration with Kazakhstan to provideassured supplies of low-enriched uranium to countries wishing to usenuclear power, in which they would have equity in the project butwithout access to the proliferation-sensitive enrichment technology.Russian state nuclear power corporation Rosenergoatom would ultimatelyhold a 51% controlling stake in the enterprise, which would besupervised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Armeniajoined the programme in February 2008, and Slovakia has also beenreported as a potential partner.