The competent national authority in the nuclear field, which has responsibilities of regulation, authorisation, and control as stipulated in this Law, is the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, a nation-wide public institution, acting as a legal entity, with the head office in Bucharest, being headed by a President having the rank of Secretary of State, and coordinated by the Prime Minister, through the Prime-Minister’s Chancellory.
The internal rules on the organisation and functioning of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, hereinafter called the Commission, shall be approved by Government Decision.
The Commission financing shall be fully provided from its own incomes, respectively from fees obtained from the authorisation and control of nuclear activities, contributions of international bodies and traders, interests from availabilities and cashings from other sources, under the legal provisions.
The authorization fees for the activities stipulated under article 2 shall become incomes to the state budget.
The Commission personnel shall be employed and discharged in compliance with the Commission internal rules on organization and functioning , with the collective labour contract and the legal provisions in force.
The Commission may have under subordination technical support institutes, set up by Government Decision."