The company

LeadCold Reactors (Blykalla Reaktorer) was founded in 2013 by J. Wallenius, P. Szakalos and J. Ejenstam as a joint stock company, with its basis in Stockholm. Our Canadian subsidiary is registered in Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 


LeadCold is a spin-off from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where J. Wallenius carried out research on design and safety analysis on lead-cooled reactor systems since 1996. The competences of the LeadCold team include fast reactor design, transient analysis, corrosion and materials science, nuclear fuel development, lead coolant chemistry, radiation damage and severe accident analysis. 

Funding history

Seed funding for a market analysis of small lead-cooled reactors was provided to LeadCold by KTH Innovation in 2013. In December 2014, a grant for development of tools for safety informed design of lead-cooled reactors was given by VINNOVA (The Swedish Innovation Agency). In December 2015, KIC InnoEnergy invested in LeadCold, supporting further business development of the company. In June 2018, the UK government awarded LeadCold a contract to produce a feasibility study for serial production of its SEALER-UK concept. In November 2019, LeadCold entered a collaboration with NewClearEnergy to benefit from sales of Nuclear Electricity sales in Sweden.

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