Founded in 1993, Women in Nuclear Global (WiN Global) is a global organisation which supports and encourages women working in nuclear industries throughout the world, particularly energy and radiation applications. WiN Global aims to promote the understanding and public awareness of the benefits of nuclear and radiation applications through a series of active networks, national, regional and international.

Chapters have their own domestic WiN networks, often very active. WiN Global, a not-for-profit organization, currently has around 35,000 members including chapters’ members and individuals from 109 countries, region and international, and is still growing.

Membership includes women working professionally in medicine and health care, in regulatory authorities, in industry and as independent researchers. The members have a common commitment to provide information and communicate with the public.

We are open to any applicant involved in the factual promotion of nuclear activities who pledges to adhere to the goals of the Charter – men are very welcome to join.

WiN Global holds an annual congress, and many chapters hold their own meetings. We also publish a quarterly newsletter, WiNFO, which is sent to all members and which provides a great insight into the activities of women in nuclear throughout the globe. Back copies of this newsletter are available here, so please take a look and see what some of our members are up to.

Международное движение “Женщины атомной отрасли” (WiN Global) – некоммерческая глобальная организация, созданная в 1993 году для объединения, поддержки и поощрения женщин-специалистов, работающих в ядерной области во всем мире, в частности, в области энергетики, ядерной медицины и здравоохранения, продовольствия и сельского хозяйства, науки и охраны окружающей среды, и многих других сфер.
“Женщины атомной отрасли” стремятся содействовать пониманию и информированности общественности о преимуществах ядерных и радиационных технологий посредством развития активных сетей женщин-профессионалов на национальном, региональном и международном уровнях. В настоящее время движение насчитывает около 35 000 участниц из 109 стран мира.
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Адрес: Tower House, 10 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA, United Kindom
Телефон: +44 (0)207 4511520
Факс: +44 (0)207 839 1501
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