The BRGM is France's leading public institution in Earth science applications for the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks.

The BRGM plays 4 key roles : scientific research, support to public policy development, international cooperation and mine safety.

The BRGM's two key objectives are:

  • Understanding geological processes and associated risks, developing new methodologies and techniques, and producing and disseminating relevant high-quality data.
  • Developing and providing necessary tools for surface, subsurface and resource management, prevention of risks and pollution and support to climate change policies.

The BRGM is the french geological survey.

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Адрес: 3 avenue Claude-Guillemin - BP 36009 - 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 - France
Телефон: +33(0)2 38 64 34 34
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