SKB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, is tasked with managing Swedish nuclear and radioactive waste in a safe way. We have now selected a site for disposal of spent nuclear fuel – a final repository.

Nuclear power companies in Sweden jointly established the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) in the 1970s. SKB’s assignment is to manage and dispose of all radioactive waste from Swedish nuclear power plants in such a way as to secure maximum safety for human beings and the environment. The assignment is so extensive that we see it as one of Sweden's biggest environmental-protection projects.

System of facilities
SKB is responsible for a system of facilities used to handle all waste from the Swedish nuclear power plants. These facilities include a central interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel (Clab) near Oskarshamn, and a final repository for short-lived radioactive waste (SFR) in Forsmark. Transport is by sea using the vessel M/S Sigyn.

Decades of research
An important issue for present and future generations is the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. SKB has been conducting advanced research for thirty years with a focus on the final disposal of all spent nuclear fuel.

Siting process
A siting process was initiated some 20 years ago in order to locate a potential repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Subsequent analyses and site investigations resulted in the selection of Forsmark in Östhammar municipality in 2009. In March 2011 we will submit applications to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and to the Environmental Court to build the final repository in Forsmark.

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