Argonne National Laboratory, one of the U.S. Department of Energy's oldest and largest national laboratories for science and engineering research, employs roughly 3,200 employees, including about 1,000 scientists and engineers, three-quarters of whom hold doctoral degrees. Argonne's annual operating budget of around $630 million supports upwards of 200 research projects, which are broadly described below. Since 1990, Argonne has worked with more than 600 companies and numerous federal agencies and other organizations.

Argonne's mission is to apply a unique mix of world-class science, engineering and user facilities to deliver innovative research and technologies. We create new knowledge that addresses the most important scientific and societal needs of our nation.

We actively seek opportunities to work with industry to transfer our technologies to the marketplace through licensing, joint research and many other collaborative relationships.

Argonne is dedicated to protecting our employees, guests and neighbors in all our activities. Every employee, visitor, facility user and research collaborator is expected to put safety above all other concerns. No job is important enough to compromise safety.

Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. Argonne is located on 1,500 acres (6.9 sq. km) in southwest DuPage County, Ill., 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Chicago, just off Interstate 55; the site is completely encircled by the Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve.

Argonne National Laboratory's Quality Management System is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

Research at Argonne centers around three principal areas:

  • Energy
    • Energy Storage: Argonne develops transformational energy storage systems that enable and enhance electric-drive vehicles and a green-energy grid through electrical energy storage development, prototype and manufacturing process engineering, stationary storage and grid management, and electric transportation systems.
    • Alternative Energy and Efficiency: Argonne is developing the next generation of alternative energy sources to promote energy independence through improved chemical fuels, advanced biofuels, and solar energy systems, as well as through the optimization of fuel and engine dynamics.
    • Nuclear Energy: Argonne develops advanced reactor and fuel cycle systems – including fast reactor and fuel cycle technologies, advanced modeling and simulation methods, and innovative nuclear energy systems – to enable the safe and sustainable generation of nuclear energy.
  • Biological and Environmental Systems: Argonne produces integrated molecular-scale, hydrological, economic and social computational models to enable regionally focused ecological and climate assessments through metagenome analysis, protein discovery, regional climate prediction and integrated climate, energy and economic discovery.
  • National Security: Argonne provides critical security technologies that prevent and mitigate events with potential for mass disruption or destruction through the nonproliferation and forensics of weapons of mass destruction, decision sciences, new sensors and materials, and cyber security.


Развернуть Свернуть
Полное название: Agronne National Laboratory
Адрес: 9700 S. Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439
Телефон: 630/252-2000
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