Комиссия по атомной энергии Бангладеша была создана в 1973 году на основании президентского приказа. Сейчас комиссия занимается изучением и развитием "мирного атома".

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) was established in February 1973 through the promulgation of the Presidential Order 15 of 1973. Since then BAEC has been keeping itself engaged in the planning and development of acquiring nuclear technology for possible peaceful applications in the fields of Food, Agriculture, Health, Industry and Environment ensuring nuclear safety and radiation protection. Accordingly, BAEC has undertaken a good number of R&D programs in its various research establishments and developed indigenous expertise to achieve the cherished goal of self-reliance through national efforts and international cooperation. The Vision and Mission of BAEC are stated below:


Promotion of nuclear science and technology for peaceful uses of atomic energy to achieve self-reliance for overall socio-economic development.


  • Promotion of nuclear science and technology based fundamental and applied as well as advanced research programmes in various fields of physical, biological and engineering disciplines;
  • Implementation of nuclear power programme;
  • Transfer of nuclear technology based services to various stakeholders;
  • Application of nuclear technology in agriculture, industry, health and environment;
  • Development of human resources in the area of nuclear science and technology;
  • Establishment of radiation safety culture;
  • Application of nuclear technology in exploration and exploitation of mineral resources.
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Полное название: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
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