The State Office for Nuclear Safety is a governmental body as stipulated by Act. No. 2/1969 Coll.(full wording Act. No. 122/1997 Coll. - §2). The SÚJB is headed by SÚJB Chairman who is appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic.

The SÚJB is a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision in the fields of uses of nuclear energy and radiation and of radiation protection. The authority and responsibilities of the SÚJB, as stipulated by Act. No. 18/1997 Coll.on Peaceful Utilisation of Nuclear Energy and Ionising Radiation (Atomic Act), include the following issues in particular:

  • State supervision of nuclear safety of nuclear facilities, nuclear items, physical protection of nuclear facilities, radiation protection, and emergency preparedness of nuclear facilities and workplaces handling ionizing radiation sources.
  • Licensing of activities as specified by Act. No. 18/1997, e.g. for the siting and operation of nuclear facilities and workplaces handling very significant ionizing radiation sources, for handling ionizing radiation sources and radioactive wastes, transportation of nuclear materials and radionuclide emitters.
  • Reviewing and approving documentation related to nuclear safety and radiation protection as laid down by the Atomic Act, limits and conditions for the operation of nuclear facilities, ways to ensure physical protection, emergency rules for the transport of nuclear materials and selected radionuclide emitters, and internal emergency plants of nuclear facilities and workplaces handling ionizing radiation sources.
  • Specifying conditions and requirements for radiation protection of the public and personnel handling ionizing radiation sources (e.g. laying down limits and defining controlled zone s), specifying emergency planning zones and licensees' emergency preparedness requirements under the Atomic Act.
  • Monitoring the status of exposure of the public and personnel handling ionizing radiation sources.
  • Coordination of activities of the Radiation Monitoring Network in the Czech Republic and international exchange of radiation situation data.
  • Managing the national system of nuclear materials accountancy and control, national record-keeping systems for licensees, selected import and export items, ionizing radiation sources, and exposure of the public and personnel handling ionizing radiation sources.
  • Profesional cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Providing relevant radioactive waste management information to municipalities and district administration bodies and relevant information concerning the results of activities of the SÚJB to the Government of the the Czech Republic.

The SÚJB is a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision in the field of chemical weapons prohibition according to Act. No. 19/1997 Coll. as amended in Act. No. 249/2000 Coll.

The SÚJB establishes the National body in the field of biological (bacteriological) and toxine weapons prohibition according the governmental Decission No.306/2000

By the decision of the Government the co-ordination and information role towards the Office is fulfilled by the Premier of the Czech Government.

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