The State Office for Nuclear Safety is a governmental body as stipulated by Act. No. 2/1969 Coll.(full wording Act. No. 122/1997 Coll. - §2). The SÚJB is headed by SÚJB Chairman who is appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic.
The SÚJB is a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision in the fields of uses of nuclear energy and radiation and of radiation protection. The authority and responsibilities of the SÚJB, as stipulated by Act. No. 18/1997 Coll.on Peaceful Utilisation of Nuclear Energy and Ionising Radiation (Atomic Act), include the following issues in particular:
The SÚJB is a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision in the field of chemical weapons prohibition according to Act. No. 19/1997 Coll. as amended in Act. No. 249/2000 Coll.
The SÚJB establishes the National body in the field of biological (bacteriological) and toxine weapons prohibition according the governmental Decission No.306/2000
By the decision of the Government the co-ordination and information role towards the Office is fulfilled by the Premier of the Czech Government.